Stay Mentally Focused on the Good and Remember...

Blue skies and a walk outside can help you feel better!  Photo Courtesy of Charly Caldwell II

Wherever we look these days, there’s a reminder of COVID-19 everywhere.

It’s in our emails, on social media, on the radio and in the news.

Unfortunately, it’s also at the forefront of our minds while we’re working from home. But know that you are not alone, and by doing what American’s do best, we will get through this together. 

We will be better and we will be stronger because we are resilient.

Consider the adversity this great nation has overcome in just a lifetime.

From the bombing of pearl harbor to the 9-11 terrorist attacks to the global financial crisis in 2008.

We are a country that perseveres and rises, and we will again.

While we weather this season indoors, keep yourself mentally fit.

The bad is always there if you look for it, but so is the good.

You must choose your focus.

Amazing that we can save lives by working from home. And great way to safely expand your quarantine bubble is with video calls, regular calls or even snail mail (you may have to explain to your kids what that is) to people outside of your bubble.

Even office banter is fair game, as it helps us feel less secluded from our co-workers.

There’s nothing better to lift your spirits than a good laugh.

Be realistic in your expectations and be kind to yourself and others.

In these uncharted waters, we may feel less productive, more distracted and like we are underperforming.

Therefore, it’s important to remember to make the best out of a bad situation.

Focus on what you can actively achieve and put aside what’s out of your control.

Maintain your inner peace.  Make sure you take time out for yourself.

Working from home means you might be spending a lot more time with your family.

This sudden change may leave you feeling restless, irritated or even hopeless at times.

Make sure to let loved one’s know when you’d like some me-time.

To help, here’s a great anywhere, anytime mindfulness technique you can practice:

  • Plant your feet firmly on the ground.
  • Take slow deep breaths and notice what’s around you.
  • Connect to where you are at that moment.

It’s okay to take care of yourself because it means you can take better care of others too!

Finally, take charge of what you can control...

A great way to identify stressors is to journal how you feel:

Take 15 minutes each day to write down what’s on your mind - the good, the bad and the ugly.

Make sure you finish on a good note and write what you’re grateful for, committed to and excited about today.

I like to have clients start from their immediate circle and work outwards.

For example, I am grateful for my health, my family and petting my dogs while I’m at work.

I’m committed to helping other people achieve their goals and I am excited about moving forward, past Covid-19 and making a positive impact in the world.

This is a great technique to shift your focus from situations out of your control to things that matter.

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