Train Your Brain to Improve Fitness and Performance

Take a walk in beautiful Lakes Park to reflect, connect to source, renew, rejuvenate and train your brain. Photo courtesy of Charly Caldwell II.

Some people think that a strong body is the biggest strongest asset we have.

I beg to differ.

You can have the strongest body, the healthiest heart or the biggest biceps BUT if you don’t have a strong mind, you will fall short every time.

If you want to make positive changes in your life, your fitness and/or take your training to the next level, you need to think about training your brain.

Training the brain does not involve any Jedi mind tricks. It does however require a desire to change, the right beliefs and a solid plan of action.

First, decide what’s holding you back?

Decide what needs to change.

  • What about your subconscious is holding you back?
  • The idea of success?
  • Self-worth or a lack of belief that you deserve to be successful?
  • Lack of skills?
  • Do you need to learn a new skill to compete at a higher level?


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